New Member
Thank you, I had Brookesia pararmata 1.4 from the Kammers 10 years ago, Boy, I could kick myself for not hanging on to them, They were my Favorite of all species I had worked with! I worked with Trioceros montium, Triceros hoenelli, Trioceros Jacksonii Jacksonii and Pardalis, Veiled's and Carpets which I have now! My current Favorites are the Carpets, I'm new to them and this is my first pair, they are only 3 months old but they are so docile and shy a very sweet species. I also had breeding pairs of Seahorses, which are like water chameleons, love them too!
Welcome!! Its always good to have another around with a nice, well rounded chameleon experience.
Your animals in the pics you posted look good. That veiled is super nice!