Juvenile Veiled Sex?

Yesterday I purchased my very first chameleon and I'm in love! The pet store said it was a juvenile and couldn't be sexxed yet and it was around two months old. I've read the forums on what to look for but I can't tell. Can anyone help me?


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I am on my phone, with small screen, but I don't see any tarsal spurs. Looks like a girl to me. The pet store is wrong about being too young. Veileds can be sexed right out of the egg. I wouldn't be very confident in any advice you were given by them. Feel free to ask lots of questions if you are unsure.

Welcome to the forums! :)
Yep...it's a girl. If hubby wants a male he's going to have to get his own:p and tell him to look for an extra little bump (spur) on the back feet. Read up on females as they do require more care as they get around 5-9 months. They do get a prettier when they are receptive. That's like being in heat for a dog or cat.:D
How many crickets should I feed her a day? We just put several in and she's ate four so far. I know bc of her age she needs fed daily but I also don't want to over feed her.
Thank you so much! I've been trolling the forums trying to take in as much as possible to learn how to keep her healthy and happy. She is very friendly and doesn't mind being held at all. She's also very active and climbs her vines constantly and I love to watch her hunt her crickets.
I'm not sure how to send a link on here . It's also on YouTube if you put in laying bins hers comes up . Or message her she could send it to you . She sent it to me . It has all the info you will need for your new baby girl .
Good looking girl you have. I personally was told I bought a make from the pet store but actually have a female. So lucky I checked these forums out!

Definitely look into laying bins. Going to get mine set up this month as she'll be 5 months in November. But becoming egg bound is a big deal and lethal.

Also check out temps. It's good to have females around 85 instead of closer to 90. And read up on feeding females less. Great wealth of info in these forums
Good looking girl you have. I personally was told I bought a make from the pet store but actually have a female. So lucky I checked these forums out!

Definitely look into laying bins. Going to get mine set up this month as she'll be 5 months in November. But becoming egg bound is a big deal and lethal.

Also check out temps. It's good to have females around 85 instead of closer to 90. And read up on feeding females less. Great wealth of info in these forums
Thank you!
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