Keep a hibiscus alive


Chameleon Enthusiast
Its now frosting season so i have to bring in my hibiscus plants. They do fine in the windows with direct sun light, but the lizard room doesnt get direct sun. If I place them in the lizard room, even with fresh uv lights, they all loose their leaves in about 2 weeks. The rest of the plants in the cages do fine.


I'd also love some insight into this problem. I alwayas lose my hibiscus when I bring them inside.
keep 2 plants going,,,,bring them inside,,,put one in the cage and rotate them every couple of weeks,,,,perhaps an additional grow-plant bulb shining only on them in the cage!!!!
,,,put one in the cage and rotate them every couple of weeks

Ahhhhh ya, that's not going to do it. Hibiscus need lots and lots of bright light. One or two CFL's ain't gonna do it either. Just sayin.
A lot of people seem to recommend hibiscus but then can't keep the leaves on for more than a week or two. There are better plants for all the really depressingly dim enclosures you see here. I even saw a person here recently who posted about looking for an "awesome plant" that hardly needs light, I'm thinking to myself, if you can't keep a simple plant alive then chameleons aren't for you....
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I know hibiscus love hot bright lights. I am going to attempt them with grow lights this summer but will have a back up incase it sheds all its leaves like normal.:)
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