Keeping Chameleons


New Member
After two failed attempts at keeping chameleons, one veiled and one flapneck, I have decided to try once again. The first one died suddenly of an assummed genetic disorder. According to everyone I talked with, we did everything correctly. The flapneck died of mal-nutrition. He quit eating completely. We handfed him liquid food and crickets for several weeks with no
signs of his appetite returning, very sad, and eventually passed. So now, we are thinking of one last attempt. We have a small Zoo Med cage for babies-juvies and a large 125 gallon reptarium for adults. I was wondering if there are any types of chameleons out there that can be housed together. I know generally the answer is no but, I was just curious if maybe there was a species I wasn't aware about. The reason being is that with this huge cage we could place a male and female pair in and just let them breed when they feel like it, and we wouldn't have to have multiple cages. Just one for the pair and the smaller one for the hatchlings. Thanks for any answers!
Sorry about your loss. There really are not any that I would keep together, especially when just starting out. I would get a male Veiled about 4 months old, or a Flapneck, from a good breeder that way you know you are starting out with no problems, parasites, age issues, etc... Good luck! Mike at FL Chams has a ton of baby FlapNecks and Veileds all of the time.
I agree with Julirs, start with something that you know isn't going to be sick because one, it's from a good breeder, and two, its CB not WC. Also, you would know the age so that wouldn't be an issue. I also agree with the suggestions of animals she made, Veileds or Flapnecks is the way to go for a "firsttimer" so to speak. Hope this helps!

You can keep some of the pygmies together if you have a big enough terrarium....and, according to Mike at FlChams, the Bearded Pygmy is a great starter chameleon. AND they're really cute. They require MUCH less space and are really inexpensive. The only problem is that they would require a glass terrarium rather than a screen enclosure, and it sounds like you've got a screen one. Well good luck and happy hunting!:D

Edit!: Here's a link to the exact chameleon I referred you to:
Just like cat said, pygmies can be housed together but they do not require that much space as your 125 reptarium. so the zoomed might work out.
Hi, I have 1 male and 3 rudis female chameleons together in one large reptarium. The hard part is finding captive born rudis. I got 2 of my females from Nick Mole. They were wild caught, but he treats his chameleons for parasite. I still had them vet checked when they arrived, but they were clean for parasites. Good luck!
Hi, I have 1 male and 3 rudis female chameleons together in one large reptarium.

I have never heard of that species before. Can you tell me where I can research them? How many do you think could live comfortably in my 125? I would really love to have a small group of smaller chams in my large cage. I am afraid of getting a WC. Even though the breeder of the flapneck we purchased claims he was CB, we suspect he wasn't.
If it doesn't work out though we will probably go for another male veiled. Thanks for the information so far!
I have never heard of that species before. Can you tell me where I can research them? How many do you think could live comfortably in my 125? I would really love to have a small group of smaller chams in my large cage. I am afraid of getting a WC. Even though the breeder of the flapneck we purchased claims he was CB, we suspect he wasn't.
If it doesn't work out though we will probably go for another male veiled. Thanks for the information so far!

You can check out It has alot of useful information on this species. They are a smaller chameleon - about 7-8 inches long. They give birth to live young. They prefer cooler temperatures - Not higher than 85 degrees. I got mine from Nick Mole at and I think has had some advertised. They will be wild caught, but they both treat their chameleons for parasites. Good luck!
I wouldn't put Rudis in something like that. If you really want something that you could put in is maybe a Jackson, or maybe even a Panther. Up to you though. Hope this helps.

I wouldn't put Rudis in something like that.
Why not?
What would you put them in? I looked over that rocky mountain site and it was somewhat helpful. They didn't really detail the type of enclosure necessary. I think they are very adorable and I like the fact they can be kept in groups. I am a little worried about the temps though. That site said that during the day they keep it around 70-75 which is doable, but at night they say they drop it down to the 50s. I don't know if we can swing that living here in Arizona! There is no way I can run the AC all night at those temps! It would not only cost too much, but I can't stand it being that cold! If anyone has any suggestions about temps, please let me know!
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