Keeping it as bad as i think???


New Member
Hi Everyone,
as always thanks again for all the help.
I have decided now that I really need to start keeping crickets in the house. This is what i think, please correct me if im wrong. I have been avoiding it because they smell like crap and require more maintenance than its worth......and a tank full of crickets can be really loud at night. Please tell me its not that bad and what are some things i can do to reduce these concerns. And in your opinion, is it worth the headache?
They arn't that bad if they are maintained.

Change food ever day or every other day.

Wipe down inside of container every 3 days.

Clean whole cage once a week.

Younger crickets should not make noise.

Should be fine
There not that bad to keep inside. I keep mine in the bedroom where the chams are. I get the one size down from the largest. These guys make noise but not very much in my own opinion cause I am able to finction still with no problems. Hope this helps a little in advice.
Crix noise /chirping

I believe Ive read that some are non chirping. Ive had this tub full for 4 weeks bought them at 1/2 in size. Not a peep. Not sure.
In my opinion, crickets are so cheap to buy that breeding them isnt worth the effort. or rather, breeding and raising them up to a decent size isnt worth it. Certainly its worth doing for pin-heads up to one week old. But after that, I cant be bothered.
I breed all sorts of other bugs, but I just buy crickets.
I just buy enough crickets that i need as well, i have some some 'so called silent brown crickets' adults atm, they are definately not silent:mad:.

They now live in the garage:) I find mealworms the worst smelling things ever after a week or so,much worse than crickets,
Thanks guys for the input
im not trying to raise or breed crickets just buy around 150 at a time and gutload them d for a few days. I have been going to the pet store every day and been buying 20 a day. i figured out the chirping problem.....the petsmart by me sells them right before developing the chirping wings. so now it just the smell. any suggestions??
In my opinion, crickets are so cheap to buy that breeding them isnt worth the effort.

I breed all sorts of other bugs, but I just buy crickets.

I was think that too because of the higher death rate as well compared to other bugs... just what ive heard
i've always found chirping crickets to be relaxing...

Relaxing even when a cricket is in the wall right next to you & chirps at random intervals while you're trying to sleep? If so, you're very lucky. I will lay awake there all night if I have to deal with that. :mad:

I only get medium size crickets for my bearded dragon. I love my no chirping roaches.
Honestly crickets as sandra has said are not worth breeding unless you are expecting hatchling and need pinheads. I did it for years until I got my dubia/discoids/hissers and now the only sounds I head are the scurrying of thousands of roaches when I turn the lights on in the morning. Cricket chirping annoyed me to no end and without maintenance they smell and die. I have accidentally gone a week or two without feeding the roaches and none of them die. This was in the winter when my chams appetites slowed down and I had a massive silkworm hatch out. About 5,000 eggs were laid and hatched within 4 days of being laid. They all began to hatch the day after I refrigerated them somehow so I had to bring them out of the fridge and feed them all off. It was alot of leaf picking and washing for about a month. So overall just buy cricket as needed and use a tupperware bin and clean it alot and store it way away from our bedroom and don't let any get out.

I keep mine on oatmeal. It cuts down on the smell a little, but I also remove dead ones asap. I usually buy around 100 a week, although my friends usually slip me more than that :cool:

I also breed dubias and feed hornworms and butterworms when I can get them, so I don't need more than that many crickets per week.
Oh, well I guess it's different when you buy 100 crickets at a time. I'm buying them 5,000 at a time when I decide to break down and let the little vermin into my house. Lol.
If take the dead ones out every couple of days and put some green/red pepper in there, the smell won't be bad. I don't go around sniffing my cage though.
How do you clean the cage without getting crickets all over the house? I've been keeping about 250 small ones in a ten gallon for about four days, and it definitely needs a good cleaning but I'm afraid they will all escape when I attempt it...

Do i need a second ten-gallon?
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