Hi I'm new to the forms so sorry if I don't post correctly.
I have a 7 month old, female veiled chameleon and I've been having trouble keeping the humidity up in her enclosure.
I have a fogger, have a shower curtain cover 3 sides, a dripper, a live pothos plant and I mist about 3-4 times a day yet still find it hard to keep her humidity up around 60-70%. At night it tend to fall really low. I was also wondering were I should put the hygrometer? As of right now I don't have a digital one but I ordered one and have it coming in the mail tomorrow.
I was just wondering what I can do to keep her humidity up? I live in the desert and it's starting to get really hot outside so I tend to have the A/C on put I try not to keep it on in the room where she's at. When it was cooler I didn't have these problems but suddenly it's become harder to keep her humidity up so I recently added the shower curtains but besides that nothing has changed.
I have a 7 month old, female veiled chameleon and I've been having trouble keeping the humidity up in her enclosure.
I have a fogger, have a shower curtain cover 3 sides, a dripper, a live pothos plant and I mist about 3-4 times a day yet still find it hard to keep her humidity up around 60-70%. At night it tend to fall really low. I was also wondering were I should put the hygrometer? As of right now I don't have a digital one but I ordered one and have it coming in the mail tomorrow.
I was just wondering what I can do to keep her humidity up? I live in the desert and it's starting to get really hot outside so I tend to have the A/C on put I try not to keep it on in the room where she's at. When it was cooler I didn't have these problems but suddenly it's become harder to keep her humidity up so I recently added the shower curtains but besides that nothing has changed.