New Member
My little guy does that, but only when he is making a bowel movement! I was actually going to post a thread about it to see if that is normal or maybe he is constipated. He always potties on the same side of his habitat, and toward the front. But I noticed the few times I saw him with his mouth open he was doing his biz...lol... So if that is normal then YEAH, and maybe you should check under him when he moves! If not then I will follow your post to see if I need to check anything else!
*giggles* I hadn't thought of that. I'm gonna pay attention to that now and see if that's what it is. That would be a relief.
On a side note, I noticed him becoming interested in the bottom of the plants lately... like he's trying to dig through the rocks to get to the dirt. I don't know wtf this means, but I've put a little laying bin in there just in case he is a girl lol. He has been looking really fat lately, but I assumed he was just growing.