Kisses and Outdoor Time for Fatty Cami


Finally a bit of warmer weather in this socal winter for our 1yr old veiled! :cool: She loves being outside and running away from us like a kid does at the park and she HATES my phone.. probably because my case is red. :confused:

She had been in an odd funk for a week and I can FINALLY give her kisses again without her gaping and hissing at me! YAY! Love her SO MUCH!


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haha love the pics. Especially the "go away" one. Seems like a lot of the time that is what they are thinking hehe. I just got my first chameleon, also a female veiled which I was told is about 6 months old--so it's very cool to see yours at 1, quite a bit larger and more colorful than mine. Can't wait until we get some warm weather - but it's going to be a few months at least!
haha love the pics. Especially the "go away" one. Seems like a lot of the time that is what they are thinking hehe. I just got my first chameleon, also a female veiled which I was told is about 6 months old--so it's very cool to see yours at 1, quite a bit larger and more colorful than mine. Can't wait until we get some warm weather - but it's going to be a few months at least!
thanks! :) she's always giving that "go away" look when we're outside. she only shows more color in the sun and when she's cranky. :p

congrats on your girl! it'd be nice to see some pics. I haven't seen too many photos of veiled females on here. seeing a lot of panthers though.. and the more i see them the more I want one... but theyre too durn pricey! -__-
How long have you had her ?
She looks rather dehydrated and as though she is gravid. You may want to refrain from handling her while she's gravid, it may be to stressful for her. She may also want her alone time to dig
She looks like she has eggs. Do you have the proper laying bin for her? Are you aware that this is why she is most likely looking fat?
How long have you had her ?
She looks rather dehydrated and as though she is gravid. You may want to refrain from handling her while she's gravid, it may be to stressful for her. She may also want her alone time to dig
I've had her for about 9-10 months. She gets misted at least twice a day and she drinks from the spray bottle every other day. (I offered it everyday but she seems to drink every other). She's had a laying bin since she was 6 months, so it is there when she needs. We've been calling her our "fatty" cami since she was small cuz she gobbled everything up like no tomorrow. Since the the winter weather, we haven't had a warm enough day to let her get some real sun until today. She is always happy being outside and def enjoyed a little outside time.

We did introduce our male to her and he did mate with her... Twice. Hopefully and maybe we'll be seeing some eggs in a few weeks. If copulation was successful, hopefully some babies next year. Guess we'll see.
Seeing as you have two chameleons you need to invest in a misting system. Spraying their enclosures only helps for a short amount of time. You won't always see your chameleon drink but if she only drinks from the spray bottle every other day- that's why her eyes are sunken. Laying eggs will take a lot of her energy so she needs to be properly hydrated and quick. For now atleast use drippers in both of their enclosures. What do you use for supplementing? Gut loading? and what feeders are they given ?
Seeing as you have two chameleons you need to invest in a misting system. Spraying their enclosures only helps for a short amount of time. You won't always see your chameleon drink but if she only drinks from the spray bottle every other day- that's why her eyes are sunken. Laying eggs will take a lot of her energy so she needs to be properly hydrated and quick. For now atleast use drippers in both of their enclosures. What do you use for supplementing? Gut loading? and what feeders are they given ?
I pretty much do what the chamelot chameleons website says to do. I forgot I had an old dripper we bought a while back when we first got her. She never drank from it but i'll give it another go since she's older. Maybe she'll show more interest in it.
I pretty much do what the chamelot chameleons website says to do. I forgot I had an old dripper we bought a while back when we first got her. She never drank from it but i'll give it another go since she's older. Maybe she'll show more interest in it.

A lot of chameleons are weird about the drippers and may not drink directly from it but I can gaurntee she will drink off of the wet leaves. I have a misting system and drippers on my enclousres just incase they are thirsty between mistings. As long as you have a mesh enclosure that drys out well or has a drainage system- I would utilize as many ways as possible to give them water. I know a misting system is expensive but vet bills are even more expensive.
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