Would really appreciate some help with our "Boy George"

A good night sleep may have done the trick... woke up to an awesome present this morning!
(now will scour the resource section to check out more pix of poop.)

He seems to be moving around better today.
he seems a bit dehydrated.... Have you seen him drink water? also I might of missed it, Does he gets natural sunlight at all? MIght wanna do D3 twice a month every 2 weeks
It looks like it's covered in red to me. I can't imagine what else that would be other than blood.

The only normal colors it should be are brown, white, and orange/yellow

Red Light from above.. probably tinted the pic. New pic attached.


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he seems a bit dehydrated.... Have you seen him drink water? also I might of missed it, Does he gets natural sunlight at all? MIght wanna do D3 twice a month every 2 weeks
I read you're not using a dripper, my Veiled doesnt drink from the misting but the dripper itself.. Maybe hes dehydrated. Try giving him some hornworms.
A good night sleep may have done the trick... woke up to an awesome present this morning!
(now will scour the resource section to check out more pix of poop.)

He seems to be moving around better today.

Is the color accurate here?
Blot the poop, is it red when you blot it? You didn’t put the red lamp on again did you?
Get a good photo for color if you still can.
Red is bad.
That bit on the left looks like partially undigested mealworm. Mealworms can cause impaction in chams so are not recommended as a feeder.
Lighting and cage size upgrades have already been mentioned.
My guess is he is a minimum of 2 years old based on size, and casque


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I need to extend a huge THANK YOU! to everyone that's helped out... not only with posts here, but also all of the other posts, resources and advice all over this forum. The info is helping my learning curve for sure.

We'll be straightening out his enclosure, lighting, diet and water over the next few days/weeks.. We do have a repti-fogger, but was hesitant to use it if we were seeing an URI.

His first few days with us have been seriously stressful for him.. so again, going to get all the kinks worked out as quickly as possible, while trying not to bug him too much.

Thanks again! This forum ROCKS!
Not smashed or touched by me, but he's been more active today.. he may have stepped on it.?..

Sort of expected a little poorly digested... with all his stress and being "force-fed" 5 mealworms and 5 med/sm crickets over the past 2 days.

Going to work on optimizing everything as suggested and keep active here.
To me, that urate indicates that he is a bit dehydrated, but it could also be because he hasn't pooped recently, which can also make it look like they are dehydrated. Glad to hear he's more active today.
Lot's of learning...

Reading back on some other threads, BG is now standing, but on the bottom of his enclosure. I'm encouraged that he's standing, seeming stronger than he's been. But also read that being on the enclosure bottom is bad.

He's not trying to climb the fake vine at all.... seems like it's difficult for him as his nails (which seem healthy) dig into the fake vine and he has trouble getting the nails out. Going to venture to Home Depot and pick up a few dowels, as read in another post. A parrot/bird ladder should work too, right?

Also going to remove water dish and green carpet. Replace with more frequent misting (dripper tomorrow) and easy to remove paper towels. Read back that carpet and water would be parasite breeding grounds.

Thanks again everyone for the input and advice. Hopefully, he continues to improve as he get's more comfortable here and I get his habits and habitat optimized for good health!
Hi there seems you are getting quite a bit of help. As mentioned by @jamest0o0 I would highly suggest getting the stool tested for parasites sooner then later. I don't like the mucous look to the urate nor do I like how runny the stool is. I saw this with my boy that was sick when I received him. Coccidia is a horrendous parasite and highly contagious to other reptiles. Not to mention it is hell to get rid of. Yours may very well be clear of parasites but since he has had quite the life so far you can not guarantee his health so I just would not risk it. Good luck to you with him. They are amazing little animals. :)
Pulled the water dish and green carpet, put 3 smallish dusted crickets in a feeding bowl... hung in the lower part of the vine....

They were gone before I could put the paper towels down. He was in the bowl face first!

We might still have a long journey ahead... but counting the small victories along the way.
Wow.. another 6 smallish crickets and he's fired up nice and green. A few got out of the easy feed bowl... will be interesting to see if he starts climbing around to hunt them down.

Won't leave them overnight if not eaten.

Thrilled about the progress so far today. Will be taking a bunch of stuff back to the store and replacing with more apt products.
I know that personification of our pets is wrong... it's also impossible to not do...

Our balcony looks out over a small pond and some dense FL woods... I can't help but imagine he's staring out there with great envy...


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