know someone trying to get rid of a cham...anyone interested?

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Hey everyone!
So I found this guy who is selling a custom built cage that I am gonna buy. I guess he is moving and doesnt have room for it. He has a full grown male vield that looks healthy. He doesnt have room for it and wants to get rid of it. prob for really cheap or for free. I would take it but dont have room for it either. He said he could just sell it to the pet store, but I would hate to see it go to the pet store. So if anyone is interested in adopting him I can let him know and I am sure you could work something out. Here is the pic he sent me of the cham..its a little blurry, but you get the idea.

I might be interested. I live in S.F. I have not owned a cham before but have been reading constantly for the past 6 weeks on how to care for it. I don't have the set up yet but I could buy the necessary Items within the next couple of days if need be. send me an email if this person is interested
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