Knysna Dwarf Chameleon


New Member
So I finally managed to get a copy of Chameleons: Nature's hidden jewels from my local library, well I say local they had to order it in from Scotland. It's a fantastic book as i'm sure those of you who have read it already know. I came across the Knysna, or Bradypodion damaranum to be precise and was totally blown away by the beauty of the colours. I mean just look at them :eek:


So I was wondering if it's possible to get these? I'm not looking for a chameleon at the moment, one at a time is enough for me. Their requirements don't seam all that dissimilar from a Yemen. Anyone know of any breeders in the UK? or do any of you keep one yourself?
there are people keeping damaranum (including me). But I would not recommend for a beginner to start with those animals.

But when you prepare the right way everything is possible.

When you look at the photography and bradypodion forums you can see several pictures
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