lack of info


It blows my mind how often this happens. " just brought a chameleon home. I love him so much! What do I feed him, what kind of heat lamp do I use at night, etc, etc. For real? These poor chams r doomed. Do ur research people. Ya owe it to ur reptile. Just a Monday night rant. Sorry.
Unfortunately in retail they're merely considered a product and not an actual living being. Hell most retail consider their employees mere resources or tools and not living beings.
Yes, unfortunately. Even though I know better. I got my Panther on a whim from the dreaded Petco. I've learned so much so quickly and I'm glad I did. I have made sure that everyone knows that they people there don't know what they're talking about with these precious babies. Of course they made it sound like such an easy thing to have and take care of. Well good thing that I am 150% in love with her, and am always up for a challenge otherwise this poor baby could've gotten the short end of the stick! I'm so very glad that I was the one to take her.
I refuse to go into the big box pet stores for this very reason. They keep their chams in small glass cages. I was there once and the employee told yhis couple to keep a dish of water in with the cham and maybe mist his cage twice a week if they thought about it. I had to say something and told the kid he didn't know anything about them and to listen and maybe he would learn. By the time I got them set up with what they needed they spent twice the money they had planned on but the cham has a better chance of survival because they have the right equipment.
I bought my veiled in pretty much near ignorance, after seeing a Jacksonii my niece has.

At least people who post here are trying to get going in the right direction. For every newb that posts here with questions that have seemingly obvious info available with regards to, I'd bet there are two or more who just keep the animal until it expires and never find out the role they played in that.

But yes, it is sad the level of misinformation being used to sell animals.
It blows my mind how often this happens. " just brought a chameleon home. I love him so much! What do I feed him, what kind of heat lamp do I use at night, etc, etc. For real? These poor chams r doomed. Do ur research people. Ya owe it to ur reptile. Just a Monday night rant. Sorry.

It is indeed frustrating to see. I've been researching for over a year and just setup an enclosure for a young panther when the time comes. The best thing to do is just make sure the info is out there and help those in need. I can't say how many threads I've seen with glass enclosures and substrate on the bottom :eek:
As a Petco employee I can attest to the garbage conditions. I have been arguing with the company ever since I bought one and actually found out what their care needs are. They don't have a proper set up in store and refuse to listen because certified "veterinarians" said that this is how it should be set up. But, because I own one now and know what they need, I make sure to handle every transaction in which a chameleon is being bought and make sure that they buy everything that they need and also write down this website for them. I can't wait to leave, but I'm also scared that once I do no one will care to educate customers about their needs
As a Petco employee I can attest to the garbage conditions. I have been arguing with the company ever since I bought one and actually found out what their care needs are. They don't have a proper set up in store and refuse to listen because certified "veterinarians" said that this is how it should be set up. But, because I own one now and know what they need, I make sure to handle every transaction in which a chameleon is being bought and make sure that they buy everything that they need and also write down this website for them. I can't wait to leave, but I'm also scared that once I do no one will care to educate customers about their needs

Alyx, its because of people like you that gives me hope in this world, and there was a gentleman at the Petco I went to that was like this. Unfortunately, he wasn't there when I bought my little girl but I am thankful he was there when I went back about a week later looking for some information.
Alyx, its because of people like you that gives me hope in this world, and there was a gentleman at the Petco I went to that was like this. Unfortunately, he wasn't there when I bought my little girl but I am thankful he was there when I went back about a week later looking for some information.

There is a wealth of information on this site and sites like it for all animal forums, along with beginners and elitist - (who pound on the Newbie), always happens.

But most infromation is based on opinion and your experience through trial and error.

The facination of having a new animal or aquarium is exhilarating and you ALWAYS make mistakes the first time around. Not to the determinet of the animal but to thing you might have done differently if you had the full spectrum of knowledge.

The problem is not the Petco's but the people, really. I went to a Reptile Expo three weeks ago with my children and they fell in love with every animal at the show. Wanting to keep them happy and teach them the work involved with the care of a live being - I choose a Chameleon. Beautiful possibilities with the habitat and creation of an eco-system. Fascinating creature - unlike anything in the world. Minimal handling -- (yes if know if any) but at the animals pace. Then the wonder of watching the personality of the Chameleon Tito take forum in his new home.

Problem is not with Stores but people --

My Farm's and Hobbies.

Fresh Water Fish up to 125gal
Coral Reef - 20 gal - 150
Ferrets -- three Bubba, Beezer and Lady
Dogs- three All English Bulls -- Bubba, Casey and Louie
Bearded Dragon -- Max
Water Dragon
Leopard Gecko

This does not count the Rabbit's, duck's and Chick's

Impossible to learn everything at once.

My posting on the site - obvious information requests -- was more for validation of my decision then to annoy the members -- but honestly the information feedback - when received was thin and opinion based from a book or something read on the internet - Yes Elitist , your opportunity to attack--LOL--

The people on the site are an amazing wealth of knowledge - but unless you work and went to school for animal (Chameleon) husbandry - we all just take bits of this knowledge and applying them to our specific situations - it is the foundation for our Chameleons and a commonality that we share. But not a perfect elixir.

But frankly its the learning and journey that make the owning of a Chameleon so wonderful as with any Pet.
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