This might seem crazy probably a bad idea but whats your thoughts on lady bugs as feeders. They are incredibly cheap online and the bright colors will attract any chameleons attention plus the flight and fast movement seem like a perfect fit for a picky cham.
I tried looking it up on search didnt come up with anything or I just didnt look hard enough. So whats your take on lady bugs as feeders?
Its for my picky male cham. He is very picky on his meals. Once I set him on a feeding frenzy in a smaller cage with 10 crickets, 15 repti worms, 10 superworm and 15 dubia roaches. He ate 4 crickets and just chilled after that. I now have hornworms for him. He eats one and after that refuses to eat another. Picky lil sh*t! Love his attitude though, very chill
I just dont want him to become under nourished. He is very active and always makes a bolt for it each time I open his cage!
Any flying feeders you guys can recommend?
I tried looking it up on search didnt come up with anything or I just didnt look hard enough. So whats your take on lady bugs as feeders?
Its for my picky male cham. He is very picky on his meals. Once I set him on a feeding frenzy in a smaller cage with 10 crickets, 15 repti worms, 10 superworm and 15 dubia roaches. He ate 4 crickets and just chilled after that. I now have hornworms for him. He eats one and after that refuses to eat another. Picky lil sh*t! Love his attitude though, very chill
I just dont want him to become under nourished. He is very active and always makes a bolt for it each time I open his cage!
Any flying feeders you guys can recommend?