Large isopods for bioactive Cham enclosure


Established Member
Hey everyone so I was wondering if there’s any species of isopods I can add in my bioactive enclosure that will coexist with the dwarf whites that I already have in there. I’d like a larger species that I can see doing there thing on top of the substrate and can live in that moist climate and temp. Mainly just looking for some cool looking bugs to have in there that will also help with the clean up 😃.

Im not worried about Rex eating them since he’s extremely picky and doesn’t even eat Dubias so I doubt he’ll venture to the bottom for these guys. He likes really large bugs to eat.

The other thing is I’ve read some species can nibble on chameleons (or any animal) I’m guessing that’s only if they have nothing else to eat though but just want to make sure. Also my enclosure is really big so I doubt that’ll be an issue with any species but again rather be safe than sorry and hear from some people in here before I get any as I don’t trust pet stores or even some iso breeders to give me their honesty about them. Thanks again this forum is so much help!
I’m using dairy cows (they get like a small sized dubia) together with smaller type Powder orange (pruinosus)
I use giant canyon which were recommended and sold to me back when from the forum’s (previous) bug lord, @jamest0o0 I honestly don’t know how they get along with dwarf white, but they are a hardy type.
Yeah you told me that on another post. I actually asked an isopod breeder this question and he recommended those as well. I just wasn’t sure if he was just trying to sell me or not since he first offered the rust colored ones which are $50/10 and he’s getting rid of all his stock.

Btw you’ve been a member a long time. Could you tell me who some of the mods/admins are? I have to make a post that will certainly help people but will be a bit controversial especially for one person lol I’d like to talk to some mods. If you’re curious DM me 😂
How long have you had them with your cham/chams?
They’re setting in my enclosures for at least 3 years. No issues so far and also never seen them on a cham. Just make sure they have enough in there to eat. I also drop trimt leafs or death insects or veggies/fruit waste on floor, to let them enjoy a meal.
They’re setting in my enclosures for at least 3 years. No issues so far and also never seen them on a cham. Just make sure they have enough in there to eat. I also drop trimt leafs or death insects or veggies/fruit waste on floor, to let them enjoy a meal.
Awesome! Yeah I figured there would be no issue with them. Was just some guy on Reddit that heard it from some guy lol now just gotta see if they work with the dwarf whites
I use giant canyon which were recommended and sold to me back when from the forum’s (previous) bug lord, @jamest0o0 I honestly don’t know how they get along with dwarf white, but they are a hardy type.

Those giant canyons(p dilatatus) are so so efficient, makes it hard to even find a poop sample lol. They may out compete dwarf whites sooner or later. Never had issues with them nibbling on an animal, but they would eat my snail eggs and infertile eggs my female Cham laid. Some of mine even survived a winter in our garage here in Pennsylvania.
Those giant canyons(p dilatatus) are so so efficient, makes it hard to even find a poop sample lol. They may out compete dwarf whites sooner or later. Never had issues with them nibbling on an animal, but they would eat my snail eggs and infertile eggs my female Cham laid. Some of mine even survived a winter in our garage here in Pennsylvania.
I just took a peek in one of my leopard gecko tanks and found a few dwarf whites hanging out with the springtails and away from the giant canyons.
Those giant canyons(p dilatatus) are so so efficient, makes it hard to even find a poop sample lol. They may out compete dwarf whites sooner or later. Never had issues with them nibbling on an animal, but they would eat my snail eggs and infertile eggs my female Cham laid. Some of mine even survived a winter in our garage here in Pennsylvania.
Wow that’s pretty resilient. The guy that sold them to me said they’re pretty hard to kill lol.
The only issue I see having is my enclosure has a lot of plants and branches and poop is just gonna land on something instead of the substrate lol. Happened today but I just picked it with tweezers and dropped to the substrate. I have lots of plants planted as well in the substrate so the leaves of them block the substrate as well. I guess shedding skin and escaped feeders etc will always find its way down there though. I’ll just have to manually put his droppings down there.
It’s also been hard for me to even check for the dwarf whites and springtails to see how they’re doing. I’m sure they’re fine I’ll give it a few weeks before really digging.
lol my giant canyons got so abundant that they would climb the branches to eat stuff off the leaves. I also had small millipedes and springtails that would.
Wow haha that’s awesome. I had millipedes and slugs in my money tree pot in the old enclosure. I planted the tree in the bioactive one but washed off all the roots. Idk I didn’t like the idea of millipedes in there haha if they come back though I won’t try to get rid of them I know they’re helpful.
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