Last question about my jacksons... I think


New Member
Hello. I'm looking for a multivitamin with vitamin A but no D3. My local pet store doesn't have it. Can anyone give me a link to where I can one online? Also spirulena. Thanks!
What you need is a vitamin A pre-curser, beta-carotine.

Herptivite is what I used.

You should be able to find it for purchase by googling it, but most pet-shops will carry it. Not all, but most.

Ill place this here in case you havent seen it as well, which goes over supplementing info:

Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamin
Vitamin A requirement from Beta Carotene

Is that the one you were referring to? Does it have D3?
Spirulina can be purchased at stores like Super Supplements or natural food stores.

If you update your profile to tell us where you live, it is easier to answer some of your questions. If you are from the UK, my answer does no good!:D
Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamin
Vitamin A requirement from Beta Carotene

Is that the one you were referring to? Does it have D3?

You need the first one on that page, and the last one on that page. That is all you need supplement wise.

Neither contain D3, and as long as you have good a good UVB source, and proper gutloading nutrition, I would not give D3 to a jackson. Especially if it gets real sun once a week or so. If you do, do it sparingly once every 6 weeks.

Watch this video, he gives a great source for items like spirulina in the video as well.

Here is a Jackson's caresheet that was recently added by the forum administrators:

It is unknown whether or not chams can actually use pro-vitamin A (found as beta carotene) or if only pre-formed vitamin A should be used.
Pro-vitamin A comes from vegetable sources, whereas pre-formed vitamin A comes from animal sources.
It can be argued about all day long but the fact is, no one knows for certain.

The best overall strategy is to ensure that your feeder insects are properly gutloaded and that you use a variety of feeders, rather than relying solely on the vitamin/mineral dust to provide vitamins for your cham.
Additionally, when weather permits, outdoor time is beneficial, so long as you can have your cham in an enclosure outdoors where he is safe from predators (birds, cats, etc.).

FWIW, I've use with my montane chams.

You do have to be careful as it comes in formulations without D3 or with it.

There's no need to apologize for asking questions.
You want to have a healthy cham and asking questions to help you learn is great.
Like Lovereps, I have been using the Reptivite (the formula without D3) with montanes. So far, I haven't seen any problems using it (dusting feeders once or twice a month, depending on the particular animal). Personally, I wouldn't use Repashy's vitamin A supplement unless I was sure the chameleon was vitamin A deficient. The product itself indicates that it is recommended only in certain situations. I've also used Repashy's Calcium Plus because it has a small amount of preformed A, even though it has vitamin D3. However, since the D3 it contains is a very slight amount, and because it is in the "proper" ratio in relation to the vitamin A, I feel comfortable using it once a month (possibly twice depending on the chameleon's age, lighting, etc.). With pre-gravid and gravid female montanes, I felt like giving the female a single drop of human preformed A via a liquid geltab on a single feeder once a month was partly responsible in producing strong neonates. Since I feel it might be better to provide smaller amounts of preformed A more frequently (via the Reptivite formula without D3) than a larger amount once a month (a drop of the gel tab), I've been testing the Reptivite (no D3) on some of my chameleons by giving it twice a month (depending on the age, sex, etc.)

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