Laying bin.... And cleaning cage


New Member
Carmen stopped eatin the beginning of this month she is a veiled chameleon 9 months old... So I put a laying bin in ther to be cautious. She is eating again but but has started to dig the soil on her laying bin the substrate in her cage. This week end I was goin to clear her cage out but now I'm unsure incase I disturb her!??? Also do I need to change the soil in her Laying bin as its been in there for a while to or wil this also disturb her?? X
I'd leave everything alone until she's done laying the eggs and don't let her see you watching her when she's digging either!
Good luck!
dont disturb her when shes laying. however, when she's done check if she did lay eggs if not she might still have them. Then you can switch her into a different laying bin.
She seems to be digging round the substrate in her cage but only sometime going to the bin. Do I need to be worried?? She almost seems to be bypassing it
If she's just disturbing the substrate, here and there and not really digging a hole then its not likely that she's looking to lay eggs.
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