laying eggs


New Member
Okay so I have a veiled cham. She is 1 1/2 and her name is karma. She has a proper laying bin but she isn't tunneling. She is just laying her eggs on top of the sand. Her eyes are sunken in and she has her tail curled and laying sideways on the sand. Someone help please
Her eyes are sunken in from dehydration! Colors will change due to her being anxious from laying her eggs!

If she layed her eggs up top of the sand she was more than likely not satisfied with the substrate! If they dig and the hole refills or does not conform correct she will re dig!
The best substrate is washed play sand mixed with an unfertelized organic soil! Then moistened just right, not being to dry or to wet! It has to be packable!

To help the folks out here, to better help you follow the how to ask for help guidelines on this link!
And a picture would be helpful too

And at least she did lay her eggs instead of ending up eggbound! Good luck and water/food the heck out if her!
she is going to want to eat and drink now that she has her eggs laid!:D
So, what's going on?
I see you have 2 posts up hear covering the same thing! Well I didn't see the end of this one till now!
You said she is laying on her side? Is she ok now?
I posted one under the health that explains everything better. Sorry she isn't on her side her tail was laying totally sideways all curled up. She's never done that before. She isn't drinking water at all. She's super light colored like almost white and she's laying her eggs on top of the sand. She didn't even try to tunnel. Her eyes are sunken and she seems lethargic. She's just on the sand and keeping her eyes shut. I'm taking her into the vet in the morning just concerned about her finishing laying because she has only laid 7 eggs in almost 48 hours. I know she's dehydrated but I can't get her to drink anything. She has refused food for a week now and we have kept in touch with her vet. He knows all this info. We just don't want her to die obviously. Any advice???
I just tried to get her to drink again and she just laid there and let the water drip on her face. Should we use a eye dropper. The vet gave us a soft tip one so should we kinda put it in the corner of her mouth??? Or I've heard of people running a hot shower and putting the cage in the shower. Obviously not under the running water??? Because I know the vet can induce her to finish laying so she doesn't hold them in. More worried about her be dehydrated.
I just read the thread you sent me. I'm so sorry about Sadie. I not I one of the first eggs she laid had light yellow liquid around it. Now idk if maybe she stepped on it and it broke or if it came out broken but our cases seem a lot alike.
Finally got her to drink some water through the dropper. Now she climbing up the side of the cage so she got to have some energy to do that
Yeah it was quite sad. Especially having to turn off her lights. I keep wanting to go check on her. She was just to weak and couldn't handle laying. Although he's gonna do an autopsy just to make sure there was nothing else wrong.
Heard back from the vet. He said she had one egg that got stuck so she couldn't lay it. The only treatment would have been surgery, she was too weak to do surgery though. Before she passed he gave her 2 injections to induce her so she just had one stuck. He said she still had 54 eggs. She laid 7 so she had 61 eggs total. Wish the first time we ever took her to the vet she would have told us you can spay them and never have to worry about eggs at all.
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