Laying Eggs ?


New Member
Hey , i have a female veiled chameleon she is 7 months old and i was wondering when she will lay her eggs and if i should put an egg laying box in just now and what size ? thanks !
In the cage I put an opaque container about 12" deep x 12' x 8' filled almost full of washed playsand. This way the female has somewhere to dig at all times to show you that she is ready to lay eggs. She can be moved to the trash can setup once she starts digging.
laying eggs

at 7 months she should start producing er eggs.. they store calcium around that time.. if her eating behaviors change.. and se starts wondering around her cage alot mor.. thats a good sighn that shes looking to lay soon..i have a clear tupperware about 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide.. i cut the bottom out and added screen to keep the sand moist not soaked.. use clean playsand.... in the tub.. you want it just moist.. not really wet,, she should jump right in when shes ready..her is a pic of my laying tub chameleons 068.jpg
Some veileds will/can lay eggs that early and some may never lay eggs....having the container of sand in the cage almost eliminates the need for having to watch the often subtle indications that she is getting ready to lay. Using an opaque container means that she will not see out through the sides if she happens to dig her hole so that it ends up against the side of the cage. I would worry about the screen damaging her claws/toes if the digging continues after she reaches the floor of the container.
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