Laying Eggs


New Member
My female veiled chameleon has been in her laying bin since around 12ish today, and its 7:30, and I can only see maybe five eggs. Is this normal? She looks dehydrated. Is she okay?

Is she laying them in a hole?
Don't let her see you watching her when she is digging the hole or laying the eggs.
I have a flower pot tipped over full of substrate, and she dug a hole in it. And she saw me for a few seconds, but thats all.
It can take quite a while to lay the eggs. The substrate should be about a foot deep...but as long as she is still in the hole, I wouldn't change anything now. What makes you think hat she is dehydrated?
I have heard when their skin is bony looking, or their skin looks saggy, they are dehydrated. And alright, she has been at it for 7 hours.. should i just wait till she goes back to her branches?
Here's how egglaying should go...
The chameleon should dig a hole. She may dig several test holes first but should pick one and dig in it until she is happy with it. It can take several days. Once happy with it she should turn around bum down and lay the eggs. This usually happens in the evening. When she is done (and it can take hours) she should fill the hold in and tamp it down and return to the branches.

Loose skin can be an indication of dehydration..but when eggs are laid she would look thinner and the skin likely would look looser too. If the eyes are sunken in its more of an indication in this instance...but that can also indicate health issues.
She is a bit dark and her skin is saggy. But other than that she seems okay. Although she just might still be laying them.
Just leave her alone.

It took my female over 3 full days to start digging, lay, and return to her branches.

she even slept in her hole one night.

if she has dug, just let her be.

when shes done, you can rinse her off (she will be covered in dirt) and then you can give her extra long mistings to get her rehydrated.
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