Lazy tongue?


New Member
Picked up 2 adult veiled chams on Sunday ,male is 2 years old and female is 4 years old. I didn't get much info from previous owner the exchange was strange to say the least, kind of like here their your now bye. Only info I got other than age felt like I had to pry it out.
They will take crickets from me but I have to be fairly close if not they will walk up closer. Their tongue will only stretch out about 3 inches. Do they have lazy tongues or are they just lazy hunters? Is there something I can do to get them to use their tongue more efficiently?
As long as they are eating good, personally I wouldn't worry about it. I've noticed as my chams get older they get lazy and don't shoot as far as they use to. Are you using a multi-vitamin such as Herptivite? I would recommend that because sometimes as they age the eye sight is not quite as good either and that has the beta carotene helps with the eyes and hopefull makes the shoot more accurate.
Thanks I dusted with Herptivite yesterday they were only getting Calcium without D3 a few times a week. I am getting them on a good dusting regiment now that their in my care.
my guy is 3 years old and would rather walk up and bite something out of my hand than shoot his tongue, or he'll crawl down into the cup and bite things. he's been doing that for a while. he can shoot his tongue, and sometimes i make him, but he's just a lazy old man.

as long as he eats thats what matters
Tongue issues can be from a calcium imbalance or an injury or from a number of other things. Although old chameleons may have difficulty, many females can live to be older than 4 and 2 is definitely not old for a I would think that its caused by something other than age and should be looked into.
Male does much better than female. Male is a very aggressive eater seems like he can't eat fast enough.
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