I see him drink regurlary did not actually see him drink yesterday. I have him eating 1 or 2 milworms a day. I know, he needs more variaty. I just ordered 2 differant colors of hornworms and some silkworms yesterday (also more milworms just in case), I'm trying to get some dubias to breed and I ordered Repashy suplaments yesterday. He shows no intrest in crickets.
Lighting is the new T5 bulbs and the plants are from the safe plant list...
I am afraid to take him to the vet as I do not want to stress him out ...
Hi it could be number of things, how often do u water him/humidity levels And or a vitamin A deficiency. Give him a good long shower with luke warm water he will clean his eye out by himself.
It worked for a little while any way, I just read the Shower blog... guess I'll put him in the shower a few times a day for the next several days and see how it goes.
Dehydration is the most common death of chameleons in captivity. It is extremely fatal if not treated as soon as possible. Dehydration is pretty much a self-explanatory condition mostly caused by inability in giving your chameleon enough water, delivering a proper drinking method, and maintaining humidity. However, if your husbandry, misting, and watering method are proper and your chameleon is STILL dehydrated, there might be an even more serious underlying problem. If that is the case, you will need to consult your veterinarian to find out exactly what is wrong. An untreated dehydration can permanently damage your chameleon's kidney and liver which lead to fatality. A chameleon owner has to be alert if his/her chameleon start to show the symptoms of dehydration. A Chameleon in this condition can go spiraling down hill in no time. Please refer to the chameleon care chapter for proper enclosure, misting, and drinking method
Symptoms to watch out for:
Sunken eyes (Be aware, the chameleon in the case study is already in advanced stage of dehydration. When your chameleon exhibits the same symptom in the picture, you need a vet to treat and hydrate your chameleon).
A yellow or orange urate
Loss of appetite and chameleon appeared lethargic
When pulled GENTLY with 2 fingers, the skin is too slow to return back to its position (or, even worse, does not go back at all).