Leon is dying


I've had Leon, a colourful wonderful male veiled chameleon for 6 years. He'a lived alone with me in a huge screen cage by a window, fed crickets, super worms and those sticky blue worms. He gets misted frequently and I work shifts so he has a lot of time to himself which I think he really likes. I very rarely handle him.

His condition is getting pretty bad and declineing rapidly.. he seems to be very inactive, doesn't appear to be eating and I find him near the bottom of the cage sometimes when I come home from work. This morning, after getting home from working a night shift I found him at the bottom of the cage.. he was pretty stiff but he still held me and but he didn't move his eyes much. I sprayed him with water and petted him a bit but not much reaction. I put him back in the cage after a while but he fell over :( he's definitely still alive but I know he'all be gone soon.

What should I do? He's been a great pet and I want him to keep living.
In my opinion he's technically in his senior years as a chameleon, most chameleons when they reach five years old are considered seniors. (at least for panthers and veileds) Idk if there is much you CAN do to prolong his life unless your set up is really screwed up. I would honestly put him down from the sounds of it.
Yes, I know you're right, and I certainly don't want him to suffer, it was hard to watch him this morning.
Can you elaborate on 'put him down?' Like should I do it myself, or take him to a vet? I've never done this before and am kinda uncomfortable.
Take him to a vet maybe and have them do it? Or maybe just make him as comfortable as possible for the last couple of days... I would never recommend doing it yourself because you might make his end more painful then peaceful.
Im sorry you're going through this. I've had to go through this very recently with my chameleon. She died of acute kidney failure. If there's anything I, or we as the community can do for you for support, we'd be happy to help.
Im sorry you're going through this. I've had to go through this very recently with my chameleon. She died of acute kidney failure. If there's anything I, or we as the community can do for you for support, we'd be happy to help.
oh i'm so sorry slurpy passed! (sorry this post isn't really helping the OP)
Okay I might just try and make him comfortable, I'm sure packing him up and transporting him to a vet would upset him
He might be declining to the point where he's not all that aware of his surroundings. You could make a trip to the vet quite comfortable really. Get a cardboard box, line it with a soft towel and put a small water bottle warmed up in the microwave under it, and close up the box for the trip. He may not get upset at all, but nap along the way.
I'm sorry you're in this situation but chameleons just don't get very old and your guy is a senior.

You don't want to wait to see how it plays out since he may take days to die and that doesn't help anyone...

Good luck and much strength to ya.
Thanks everyone, I took him out of the cage so the crickets don't bother him and laid him on a little bed and adjusted the lights. His breathing is getting a bit slower and he moves his legs a bit. What will they do if I take him to the vet?
Thanks everyone, I took him out of the cage so the crickets don't bother him and laid him on a little bed and adjusted the lights. His breathing is getting a bit slower and he moves his legs a bit. What will they do if I take him to the vet?
I personally don't think he will make it to the vet, at this point. Not to mention, the amount of stress of being handled and moved. And even if he does, he has had a long life, and he is probably too far gone already, so they would probably suggest putting him down. My suggestion would be to enjoy the last few hours you have with him, and make him as comfortable as possible. Save yourself the money and heartache of the vet.
Actually I'm fairly certain he died in the night, not breathing and appears stiff. What do you guys do with the body? I wanted to bury him outside but don't want an animal to get him
Yeah I did enjoy the last few hours with him last night holding him and misting him. I'm sad but at the same time I've had him for almost 7 years since he was two weeks old. He loved living the bachelor lifestyle with me and he always impressed guests who came over and never saw a veiled chameleon before. It was really nice owning a chameleon, I loved him. Thanks everyone for these forums they helped me a lot when I had questions over the years and a really friendly community.
First of all, I am sorry for your loss. No other animals should be interested. I would find a small box, make him a nice little bed inside, and bury the box. Just make sure you get it down far enough into the ground.
So sorry that Leon passed. :( It's an awful feeling losing them as we become so attached. Some of mine have been cremated, others left at the vets and others buried in my Mum's garden.
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