Leopold, ~14 months old C.parsonii parsonii

Yes, they are very great and kind of seem to be much more intelligent than other chams. I´m atm looking into getting some paper about them done in english, i already wrote one in german. There are quite a few things you need to look after, like eg. unlinke me, getting a cb in any case which isn´t easy as wc´s won´t be sold as such.

How is their behavior?
They are rather shy but they seem to be able to see wether i do something they like or something they don´t like. E.g. when on one day something happens that leopold doesn´t like at all, he would still drink from the sprayer the next day. If i accidentially spray him while drinking, he sometimes won´t. Do you get what i mean? I also heard that they can find ways to do things like breaking out of their enclosure and it´s not like they do it once but they keep in mind how to do it and do it again.
They are rather shy but they seem to be able to see wether i do something they like or something they don´t like. E.g. when on one day something happens that leopold doesn´t like at all, he would still drink from the sprayer the next day. If i accidentially spray him while drinking, he sometimes won´t. Do you get what i mean? I also heard that they can find ways to do things like breaking out of their enclosure and it´s not like they do it once but they keep in mind how to do it and do it again.

Wow! Thats amazing!

Do they mind being handled or is it more the personality of the cham like the other species?
My parsons Padre is very friendly. He'll crawl right on your hand/arm very slowly and then to my shoulder and head. :eek:

Thats awesome!!!! Philip just had himself an adventure -_- i was worried sick but i calmed down, im posting pictures now. But parsons seem so amazing
Hey Jann,
how old is your Padre?
I never heard a Parsons that friendly. Well they seem to be not agressive in most cases but many are rather the shy type as far as i know.
Hey Jann,
how old is your Padre?
I never heard a Parsons that friendly. Well they seem to be not agressive in most cases but many are rather the shy type as far as i know.

Padre will be 3 next month and he's my gentle giant. :) He's my big baby and I take him out of his house a few times a week (except when he's doing his winter cool down thing) to hang in a tree in the back yard or to hang on the panther/veiled free frange in my dinning room. He seems to enjoy being in my house the most. I really wish he could stay inside all the time but it's just not cool enought or humid enough for him in my house.

Here's a little video of him drinking water from a dropper for me after taking his monthly vitamin.
Leopold is amazing! I'm sure if you keep taking him out into the Sun he'll get a bit happier about being carried - he does look like he knows a little about why the world is turning, but still has his baby look too :)
Your female looks very cute too, congrats :D
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