Les Paul - Inventor dead at 94

Wow, how tragic. He lived a long life. I almost got a Les Paul for christmas, but I chose a Tele instead :D.

Les Paul guitars sounds so nice, and my brothers Ultra is Beautiful.. Seriously. Get one :D

He did live a long life, and his life musta been exciting.. invented many things! :)
The loss of les Paul was felt far and wide amoung the music industry. Any one who listens to, or plays music has been effected by his contributions.

He worked along side The "Gibson Guitar Company" to create some truely wonderful guitars. Anyone whos ever played a Gibson Les Paul can tell you that it just feels natural in your hands. I have a Epiphone black and cream Les Paul Standard, and really like it. Yet...I am still more of a Fender guy and decided to go with the American Standard Strat over the Gibson Paul for my higher end axe.

Cush, What Tele do you have? I have a standard, and a Classic Vibe 50's Black Guard.

My dad owns a Les Paul that he purchased back in 1978. He still has the receipt for it and it is in perfect condition. Has gold plating on it and stuff. Its a nice guitar.

i just recently got a gibson custom shop les paul, with a '59 body and neck, a bigsby bridge, and whammy bar, and some 1969 vintage humbuckers, i cant stop playing, ooooooooooooo, it sounds siick,
Wow, how tragic. He lived a long life. I almost got a Les Paul for christmas, but I chose a Tele instead :D.

A long life with many accomplishments......Not so tragic if you ask me:) I am glad he invented the many things he did but I must say I hate Gibson guitars. The necks are way too fat, the body is ugly as hell, the bridge is way to far up the body, playability is over all thumbs down for me. The tone is amazing though:) I started off playing an 86 Jackson Charvell so I am accustomed to that style of guitar. I now play a Schecter Hellraiser. Hands down the best guitar made for shred!!!!
I own a banjo i won at a fair..
But enought about me!
Suck that this guy would die. I owe him great, friggin music pioneer. I think about you everytime i use FL Studio Paul! damn you..
similar to jay, I'm more of a fender guy/strat guy, I'm going to get a custom strat from my guitar teacher :) woo and i'm not a huge fan of gibson les pauls, especially epiphone... But yea I heard about les paul and my guitar teacher and I talked bout him. It's a shame.
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