Kristen Wilkins
Chameleon Enthusiast
Have you chatted with @Andee ??. I have not seen her in for a bit but neither with I for a long while . Ryker has this same issue . It in the end cause of blindness .Ladies and gentlemen: we may have discovered the root cause of Lily's eye problems and ongoing general malaise!I've been chatting with a few wonderful people behind the scenes, and it may very well be that Lily's issues can be tracked back to UVB overexposure. This overexposure theory would explain a lot of her behavior as of late - eyes closed while basking, squinting, sensitivity to D3, not reacting to antibiotics, etc etc. Though I'm running a 5.0 UVB, her primary basking site put her head and back within 5 inches of the UVB bulb, placing her at ~ 7 UVI according to a recent UVI chart provided to me by @Beman - a bit more than double where Lily ought to be! I rigged her up a frame to raise her UVB by another 5 inches, and she already seems more comfortable. Let this serve as a cautionary tale - too much UVB is just as dangerous as not enough! I'll be getting myself a SolarMeter as soon as I can swing it. Never again!
There's no guarantee this is Lily's only problem, but we should know within the next few weeks how much of a contributing factor it was. Thanks to everyone here at the cham forums, with special thanks to @Beman, @kinyonga, and @JoXie411 for supporting Lily and I through this!
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Lily's back to making her snack faces
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