Lethargy, hanging upside down, not eating - SPS


Avid Member
This is why it is important to fully examine your chameleon when they are showing abnormal behavior. In this case, it is a young panther with tongue trauma. I cant say for sure what has caused this but suspect it is a feeder injury.

For the last two weeks his appetite has dwindled to zero. The last few days he has been on the bottom of the cage walking funny like he is drunk or has MBD. He has been hanging upside down or from his back feet. Hanging his rear limbs off the side of perching branch or vine. Colors not as vibrant, off color.

Tongue injury. There is definitely infection at this time.

olution: It is to early at this point to state this course of treatment will work but he is now on baytril for the next ten days. I will also dilute a provodone iodine and rinse the wound w/ nose pointed to the ground. Also force feeding food at this point.



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I hate for him to have a problem, but at least he is with you, so at least he will have the best care. Let us know how it goes.

When I saw your avatar at the beginning of the thread, I figured it would be serious if you were asking for help. If it is an infection, could it also have spread to inner ear. I am aware they can hear vibrations as to their purring. But don't know full anatomy.
wish the best of luck for you!
really appreciate these type posts and
you guys sharin your knowledge!
Update: He is at least perching right side up now. Still not very active.

Poor guy.

Can you elaborate on your feeder injury suspicion?

Really no evidence just location of the injury. Ive been pondering on those big teeth. His teeth are abnormally large. He could have accidentally bit it although i would think the tongue would have another wounds from the top teeth. Nothing in the cage i could relate him injuring his tongue on either. Just a guess ;)

poor little thing...hope he gets better soon. :(

Me too.

I hate for him to have a problem, but at least he is with you, so at least he will have the best care. Let us know how it goes.

Thanks laurie, will do.

When I saw your avatar at the beginning of the thread, I figured it would be serious if you were asking for help. If it is an infection, could it also have spread to inner ear. I am aware they can hear vibrations as to their purring. But don't know full anatomy.

Thats a good question. I dont have an answer to that. They do have a inner ear but i have no idea how advanced this infection is.

wish the best of luck for you!
really appreciate these type posts and
you guys sharin your knowledge!

Thank you, if i can help just one person by this thread. It was worth it ;)

Always good information John! Thanks! Good luck with this guy and let us know how he does.

Thank you, I hope he recovers and gains use of his tongue again. ill keep ya's posted ;)
me so stupid

I know this isn't it, but i keep coming back to this picture. it looks like the back of a tick. the two rear legs showing. but, did you read the article in last month's (?) reptiles magazine? There was an article about mouth infection vs cancer with pictures. the author had his contact info included i believe and would possibly be a good second opinion..
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