Let's play find the chameleon


Avid Member
Who knows how long this guy had been gone. From his cage to this particular tree is about 40 feet and he is about 20 feet into the tree. Im 190lbs and he had to pick the tree with the smallest limbs in the yard. Little did he know of who he is dealing with. hahaha!

Go back to the tree! There is another one there. On the left side before the fork...I think it looks like a Quad, male maybe. I think I see a horn...:p
yup, thats him. #$^%&@!#$#^%&$^*^#%^*$%$%^!$%er started running when he saw me coming. I will give the best advice anyone on these boards ahas ever given..

If you climb a tree going after a chameleon. TAKE A SNAKE BAG, PILLOW CASE, HELL I DONT CARE ANYTHING TO Put the chameleon in so you can use BOTH hands ot climb back down.
yup, thats him. #$^%&@!#$#^%&$^*^#%^*$%$%^!$%er started running when he saw me coming. I will give the best advice anyone on these boards ahas ever given..

If you climb a tree going after a chameleon. TAKE A SNAKE BAG, PILLOW CASE, HELL I DONT CARE ANYTHING TO Put the chameleon in so you can use BOTH hands ot climb back down.

Lol that is funny:) which one of your chams was it ?
yup, thats him. #$^%&@!#$#^%&$^*^#%^*$%$%^!$%er started running when he saw me coming. I will give the best advice anyone on these boards ahas ever given..

If you climb a tree going after a chameleon. TAKE A SNAKE BAG, PILLOW CASE, HELL I DONT CARE ANYTHING TO Put the chameleon in so you can use BOTH hands ot climb back down.

This made me laugh thanks
Lol that is funny:) which one of your chams was it ?

Got a few mislabeled gracefuls in a shipment. It was one of the males. These are the biggest gracefuls you have ever seen i bet.

This made me laugh thanks

Well im glad to make you laff..Yea! Who cares about how awesome i am to climb back down a tree one handed.

Yeah that's what I'm wandering. From the photograph it sorta looks like a Meller's the most, to me.

No thank god it wasnt the meller. Now that kid is a true master of disguise.

So... if one my chams climb a tree I get to call you get to call you to get them down right? :p

sure....make sure you have something to put him in and a few cold bottles of blue moon.

hahaha. well done...

which cham escaped you?

It was a graceful :mad:
Got a few mislabeled gracefuls in a shipment. It was one of the males. These are the biggest gracefuls you have ever seen i bet.

Well im glad to make you laff..Yea! Who cares about how awesome i am to climb back down a tree one handed.

No thank god it wasnt the meller. Now that kid is a true master of disguise.

sure....make sure you have something to put him in and a few cold bottles of blue moon.

It was a graceful :mad:
Hey ataraxia, I have a question that doesn't pretain to the chameleon in the tree: How do you quote multiple people in a single post? I'm tired of replying to everyone in a single post when I could knock em all out in one, and I'm too lazy do the method of typing their all their username's into a post :p.

Oh and I seen those Gracefuls in the thread you started the other day. Those things sound like they are enormous. I don't know the story, but did he get loose and that's how he ended up the tree? If so I bet you flipped 5h!+ when you realized he was gone.
Hey ataraxia, I have a question that doesn't pretain to the chameleon in the tree: How do you quote multiple people in a single post? I'm tired of replying to everyone in a single post when I could knock em all out in one, and I'm too lazy do the method of typing their all their username's into a post :p.

Oh and I seen those Gracefuls in the thread you started the other day. Those things sound like they are enormous. I don't know the story, but did he get loose and that's how he ended up the tree? If so I bet you flipped 5h!+ when you realized he was gone.

multiple quotes in the button beside the quote has a + sign on it. It will turn red when you have selected that post to be quoted. Then you just click reply and it will all be there for you :p

They are pretty darn huge for gracefuls and yes, he had been outside all day. I watered him at noon or so and didnt go back to check for few hours later. yes i did flip sh!+ :p
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