lets see pics of everyones rare species they are keeping or have kept...

kinyongia matschiei (your baby's daddy)


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I'm blown away by all these rare and unique chams. Thanks to everyone who shared their pics, especially those who labeled them for newbs like myself :eek:

Don't know how rare anyone considers these guys, but this is my little male Carpet (only about 4 months old). I'm hoping to receive my female in a month or so.

I want to be part of the rare club. Just don't know what rare cham to buy. Lol. all these are great looking chams. :) i loved looking at all of them.
Wow. Thank you for the excellent photos and education. I can see how a Panther, Jackson, or Veiled can become a "gateway" chameleon into the real exotic world of rare chameleon husbandry.
I really like Kinyongia Tenuis. Very nice rare chams everyone. It's sounds more like the Kinyongia are the more rare from what's been posted.
Shoot, now I look stupid :p Read right over the "major" an assumed you were talking about my "minor."

Aww, not part of the club just yet then lol.

LOL you just overlooked it. People in general normally over look Furcifer lateralis and over look Furcifer lateralis major even more. There are a couple sponsors on these forums who have said they think they can import the sub species. If you want to look into it to join the club.

They are a bit larger and have similar however unique colors to F. lateralis lateralis. Here's a link.

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