Lighting conditions


New Member
I wanted to ask you all I have a baby H.E.T veild and he is still pretty young, I wanted to know if solar glow 120w would be to power full for his skin I wanted to replace the two 26 w UVB and have a 120 w with UVA and UVB for a little energy savings and more power for winter

I got my Cham in September and he was really small now it's the end of oct and he has doubled in size about three inches from head to the sart of the tail
Its not about watts, its about the temperature.

If you are roughly increasing your wattage by 1.25x without increasing air flow or tank size, you can expect your temperatures to increase substantially.

I am confused about your goal though:
2x 26W bulbs use less energy than 1x 120W (52W is less than 120W)

do you currently have a heat bulb for him?

what are your current temps and where do you live? I see it says toronto, but where is the tank located exactly? If its going to be inside of a nicely warmed house then it is different than if it is kept somewhere that gets much colder.

It may be best if you fill out the "help" form located in the health clinic for a more direct answer :)
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