Lighting Hood


New Member
So im gonna build a hood over my 48''L x 24''W habitat and i need some lighting suggestions...

What wattage for the day basking light and what light for the uva/b light

Something like this for UVB light?

and then two other screw in bulbs as seen in the picture

(sorry i know its a crude sketch)

Please lemme know fave brands or if you think certain bulbs are better

ps this will be for a nosy be cham


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I'm hoping you don't have the chameleon yet...

you need a "5.0" uv style bulb; I believe most people here prefer the Reptisun 5.0

Your sketch will work fine, but do consider your plants too. Just a suggestion, but you might consider adding 1 or 2 sockets for regular old CFL's depending on how much plant life you have in there

also, you said 48"L x 24" this an aquarium tank? You know that chameleons need to be kept in SCREEN cages and they need it to be 4 feet TALL (x2'x2' in other dimensions)

the wattage for your bulb depends on your local temperatures. there is no "set" wattage....the colder your environment/ambient, the higher wattage you will need. You should invest $20 into a digital "point and shoot" thermometer if you don't have one already so you can correctly tell the wattage you need. I would probably start around 60W and adjust from there

the nighttime heater will not be necessary unless your ambient temps drop below 60F
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