So I was sitting here drinking my coffee and looking at the youpor..... errrmmm Chameleon Forums, and I got to thinking about lighting for the chams. Right now my Veiled has one strip UVB and one spotlight for heat. The room he's in can be rather dark if it's cloudy or the light for the room are off, it looks a bit dreary really. Being as they are from bright sunny tropical locales, I wonder if it would be to their psychological benefit to have a little better lighting setup. I was thinking maybe a bank of 4 flouros with maybe 2 UVB's staggered in there for max distribution with 2 other quality 12K or so high quality tubes might do a good job of providing a good amount of lighting without being overly bright. I think the plant life would benefit tremendously as well. I would avoid 6700K lamps because the higher the color temp the more blue and the lighting looks a little more blue and soft which I think would be easier on the cham's eyes. Throw in a spot light and bam you're golden.
Maybe something like this except normal flouros instead of T5's or any kind of super bright reef tank lighting:
The only issues I'm thinking might come up are the irritation of the cham's eyes. I had a nasty run in with some sort of eye problems when he was very young and almost lost him, I would rather like to avoid a similar scenario. Apart from that it might boost their sense of well being to have some good lighting? Any thoughts?
Maybe something like this except normal flouros instead of T5's or any kind of super bright reef tank lighting:
The only issues I'm thinking might come up are the irritation of the cham's eyes. I had a nasty run in with some sort of eye problems when he was very young and almost lost him, I would rather like to avoid a similar scenario. Apart from that it might boost their sense of well being to have some good lighting? Any thoughts?