Lighting question:


New Member
I've heard a lot of talk about compact fluorescent light bulbs causing health issues. What kind of health issues have been confirmed due to the use of CFLs? Also, glass, plastic, and even mesh screen blocks out the beneficial UVB/A rays. It says on the box of Zoo Med tube fluorescent bulbs that FINE mesh screening blocks up to 50% of the useful rays. So wouldn't this be grounds to use a 10.0 bulb over a 5.0 bulb? It also states that the effective range of a 5.0 bulb is 12" and that of a 10.0 bulb is 20". With those things taken into consideration, would a 10.0 UVB bulb be too strong for a chameleon enclosure that is 35" deep and sitting on top of a mesh screen?
I personally think its fine to use CFLs now, especially if you keep an eye on things (which I assume all of us do anyways). As far as I know only eye problems were associated with the CFL uvb. people use normal cfls for supplementary light with no problems (including myself). I believe only the zoomed reptisun CFLs had the problem, the repti-glo were always fine.

I want to know why people would rather use a uvb cfl. They cost more everywhere I've looked...

As far as the 5.0 vs 10.0 I don't have an answer for you, and I have wondered why more people don't use 10.0 considering how little uvb gets through. I know some people DO use 10.0 but they typically raise them up and lower them over time as the UV gets weaker.

In the end its up to you, I assume people just get the 5.0 linears because they are tried and true/ dont cause problems... safe.. etc. Not to say you can't use other types/brands.
cfls caused eye issues in the past and even blindness as they were emitting too much uvb. But that was years ago and there are people on here who use them safely today with no problems. There is a negative stigma attached to them now, and the only risk would be getting old stock or something like that.Most of us use the Reptisun or Reptiglo 5.0's but there are also members who use the 10.0's too. It doesn't really matter how deep the cage is, the chameleon is going to gravitate up to the bulb so if the cage was 5 foot tall he still would be able to go under the bulb regardless. I use a 5.0 without issue. That is just what I use and I am not going to comment on the 10,0. Maybe someone else who uses them successfully will.
Thanks for the info. You mentioned a 5000k bulb to stimulate plant growth (I assume this also provides additional ambient light), are these bulbs also available as CFLs? The reason I ask it I have a Exo Terra fixture that houses 3 "screw type" light bulbs. I used it for my snakes a while back. If I use a 10.0 Exo Terra UVB bulb, a regular incandescent bulb for heat, and some type of CFL to stimulate plant growth, will this be fine?
Correction: Someone else must have mentioned a 5000k or 6500k fluorescent for plant growth. But does anyone know if these types of bulbs can be found as CFLs?
understandable. should be ok, although id still consider a 5.0.

a lot of people use 6500k for plant growth, but just adds extra lighting. the numbers are just different colors. I prefer 5000k but i have a 5000k and a 6500k.

Just saw your new post, they DO make them as CFLs (I've had the best luck at home depot using their "off brand" bulbs)
Thank you! That answers all my questions! Maybe just one more: Would using a 5.0 vs. 10.0 be more important when housing a young/baby chameleon? Or does the danger it poses apply to young and old?
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