Lighting Question


New Member
So I have been doing research on Chameleons for a while now, but I have not been able to get a straight answer on lighting!?

Right now I have two bulbs, one for the UV and the other for heat, they sit about an inch to two inches above the top screen (until we can go to the store to get a proper length hold).

The lamps are a double single so to say. Two bulbs in one lamp right next to each other separated by about an inch and a half. The closet the chameleon can get while sitting normally is maybe half a foot or a little bit more. Currently it just hangs upside down right underneath it for some reason (help?!).

What I don't know is what to do at night! Right now I have the heat and the UV on (Its about 11:12PM) and I don't know whether to turn it off until morning and keep it on for around 12 hours or leave it on at night considering we JUST brought it home from the pet stone about five hours ago.

It seems to be eating just fine (at around 4 crickets once we put it in the cage) and it seems to be unusually happy :)

So if anyone has any tips or something please let me know, this is my first time owning a Chameleon and I would LOVE help!
New Chameleon Owner - Help! (V2)

So I have been doing research on Chameleons for a while now, but I have not been able to get a straight answer on lighting!?

Right now I have two bulbs, one for the UV and the other for heat, they sit about an inch to two inches above the top screen (until we can go to the store to get a proper length hold).

The lamps are a double single so to say. Two bulbs in one lamp right next to each other separated by about an inch and a half. The closet the chameleon can get while sitting normally is maybe half a foot or a little bit more. Currently it just hangs upside down right underneath it for some reason (help?!).

What I don't know is what to do at night! Right now I have the heat and the UV on (Its about 11:12PM) and I don't know whether to turn it off until morning and keep it on for around 12 hours or leave it on at night considering we JUST brought it home from the pet stone about five hours ago.

It seems to be eating just fine (at around 4 crickets once we put it in the cage) and it seems to be unusually happy

So if anyone has any tips or something please let me know, this is my first time owning a Chameleon and I would LOVE help!

(Posted this on the Supplies and housing? I don't know if that was right.. new.)
Thank you for the response, and alright. And I own a Jackson Chameleon. (No idea the age, the pet store was not sure on much about it besides that fact that it was male).

From what I have read it seems to be extremely active and perky. It is about... the size of my palm and as thin as a finger (maybe a finger and a quarter)
So I have been doing research on Chameleons for a while now, but I have not been able to get a straight answer on lighting!?

Right now I have two bulbs, one for the UV and the other for heat, they sit about an inch to two inches above the top screen (until we can go to the store to get a proper length hold).

The lamps are a double single so to say. Two bulbs in one lamp right next to each other separated by about an inch and a half. The closet the chameleon can get while sitting normally is maybe half a foot or a little bit more. Currently it just hangs upside down right underneath it for some reason (help?!).

What I don't know is what to do at night! Right now I have the heat and the UV on (Its about 11:12PM) and I don't know whether to turn it off until morning and keep it on for around 12 hours or leave it on at night considering we JUST brought it home from the pet stone about five hours ago.

It seems to be eating just fine (at around 4 crickets once we put it in the cage) and it seems to be unusually happy

So if anyone has any tips or something please let me know, this is my first time owning a Chameleon and I would LOVE help!

(Posted this on the Supplies and housing? I don't know if that was right.. new.)

Hello, welcome. Unless your home gets below 50 f at night, turn both lights off. Your Cham needs darkness to sleep. Some people use a 12 hour on and 12 hours off. I like to do what my chams see outside. Right now my chams are up from 6 am to about 9 pm.

What kind and size Cham do you have, and what is your general location? Then I will give you info for your Cham & location.
My Chameleon is roughly uh... hm. 4-5 inches? And I live in Bradenton Florida (Mid).

Jackson / Male
For my Jackson I have a UV light and a 40watt regular house bulb for heat. All on a 12 hour timer. Be sure you set up a good misting system, Jackson's need serious humidity. I have a mist king that goes off 4 times a day for 5 minutes.
A dripper helps. Make sure you have plenty of plants that you have cleaned well, roots also. Then repot in dirt without any fertilizer. Your dripper will keep your plant moist, but be sure to check to make sure your plants stay watered.
I have a dripper, but now it is going to 40% D: I cant get it to work!


This could be the simple fact of a faulty hygrometer. Are you using a digital monitor or a circle dial stick on the glass style moniter.
It could be a faulty gauge, but you can test that. Put it somewhere you know is drier or wetter than your cage. If the gauge doesn't register the change, or it takes a long time to show the change, it isn't working properly.

Are you using an AC in the area where the cage is? ACs dry the air out a lot and your cage dripper and misting may not be able to compensate enough. To keep the cage humidity higher, add more live plants (if you can barely find your cham in the foliage it is about right), try covering the back or sides of the cage with plastic sheeting, and stay on the cooler side of proper temps. An ultrasonic room humidifier can help a lot too. It won't flood the cage with water, but can saturate the air between misting periods.
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