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wht type of lighting and bulb do i need for my veiled chameleon i keep gettting told all kind of things
wht do i need for heat
wht kind do i neeed for uvb
for uvb a 5.0 flourecant tube most keepers use reptiglow or reptisun
for heat a basking bulb and dome light, of appropriate wattage ( depends on age, type, size of the chameleon )
i use regualr house hold incondecant bulbs for heat, start at 60w and adjust from there to get your desired temp
There are 2 options, personally i started using option 2 afew weeks ago and the result is good.

Option 1: A Incandescant light bulb that creates a basking spot between 85 and 90 degrees, and you need a UVB Tube, zoomed, 5.0 uvb

Option 2: You only need a Mercury Vapour bulb, the 100 watt one made by Zoomed, it combines a basking spot and UV together. They are EXTREMELY sensitive to bein bumped when they are hot though
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