Liquid calcium to powder...?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So Hope, my jackson female with severe mbd has shown massive improvement these last three months. However getting her to take her liquid calcium is literally impossible. I am wondering if it's possible to switch her to powder plain calcium most of the time, maybe do the liquid calcium only once a week now. He jaw is much stiffer compared to what it used to be, but it also is still relatively soft making it next to impossible to get her mouth to open with possibly injuring her. Which is why I've been gently prying her lips open on liquid calcium days and painting some of it along her gums, then dripping the rest on her nose when she starts licking the stuff off her mouth. Her forelimbs aren't a problem anymore, she's no longer resting her arms at all, and I often catching her not even resting on the bend in her arms, in other words she stands up on her hands as straight as she can. It's great to see such improvement. I just have no idea whether I should continue giving liquid calcium on a regular basis which I'm doing 3 times a week. I've also increased her mistings, she was getting an edema, which she usually gets if she's not hydrated enough.

We used the dusting powder when we first got Yoshi but he didn't seem to like it. Wouldn't want to eat the insects if he could see it on there. We switched to the liquid stuff and it seems to work just fine. We put a few drops on a feeder and he goes right for it. Just an option if you want to continue using the calcium without forcing the mouth open...

Also out little guy is in metacam right now. Getting a syringe in there is pretty easy if you feet him a cricket or something first then while they are chewing just get in there at lightning speed! I've been using a small syringe from the vet for this it seems to work without any issue.
The thing is that Hope is just now starting to hand feed with me. I've only got her to do it with silkworms. Which I have eggs at the moment which I could probably hatch. However if it's anything other than a silkworm she won't eat it with me around. She's a great cup feeder, but will stop chewing or hunting when I open her cage. I assume it's because she was most likely a wild caught, and very poorly taken care of where ever she was first kept. She's extremely shy and uneasy around me, also probably because she was a wild caught and as soon as I got her she went to the vet and then I was medicating her three times a week. Now that she feels so much better she has become much... less helpful when it comes to medicating XD I assume it's a good sign. So in other words trying to do it when she's feeding is pretty much impossible at the moment. Though her trust is slowly growing. I am surprised it has grown at all with how much I have to medicate her. But she hardly ever puffs or throws a fit at all. She's never bitten me.
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