List of Everything I need


New Member
Getting a Flap Neck Chameleon in a month or so, planning on getting everything set up ahead of time to make sure its running smoothly. Been looking around on this forum trying to find everything I need. Can anyone give me a good detailed list of everything I need to keep a happy healthy chameleon? Links would be great as well.

The cage I think that I will get tomorrow from a reptile expo that I am going to. What is the best size for a flap neck?

Mister? I see that everyone likes the mistking. Is this the one?


I have a dubia colony going already because I have a bearded dragon.

Plants? Hybiscous, Ficus, Pothos Dwarf Umbrella?... You tell me


60 Watt flood and 18" reptisun 5.0 or 10.0?

Any help would be great!
For misting, I usually just use a pump sprayer I got at Home depot for $10, but the timer on the mistking would be nice..I've heard its great.

I use the little dripper, but if you don't want to buy something, I styrofoam cup with a small pinhole in the bottom works well.

Dubias are good! Silkworms are also really good-I'm starting to breed silkworms now..we'll see how that goes :)

Right now I have a pothos and an umbrella plant in a 4x2x2 cage and it fills it out nice. Many people have success with the other two. I've heard hibiscus needs a lot of light though.

I have two branches and 3 fake vines (each 6 feet long) in my cage at different levels and going everywhere in the cage.

As far as a light for heat, you can just use a regular house bulb. For UVB, the reptisun 5.0 is the best!
I will assume, since you are getting a flapneck, your cage is 3ft tall or less. If so a 5.0 bulb is plenty enough.

As far as plants I find that once a ficus gets acclimated to your lighting conditions, it does the best. Pothos does well too. Schefflera and Hibiscus I have to rotate outside once a week to get some extra sun before the leaves start falling.
Not sure what temps you'll get with a 60w flood but I would definitely measure the temp on the basking spot and ambient temps in the cage. Sometimes the flood bulbs can put out some serious heat. I just use a regular household incandescent bulb just like you'd use for a lamp. My montanes get 25w to 40w and the others get up to 100w bulbs.

Hope this is helpful!
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