little cham eating superworms


New Member
my 6 month old cham is about 5 inches in length excluding the tail and ive been feeding her mostly 0.5 inch crickets, and occasionally waxworms and mealworms. i bought her some superworms today to see if she can handle them and gave her the smallest ones in the bunch. she ate two with a nice crunch but those strong suckers have me worrying about them hurting her stomach. shes not a baby but shes still not adult size, do you think shes ready for superworms?
hi whitespyder,

yes, she is more then ready for superworms as long as they are small in size.
two or three 1" long worms are fine for a feeding, and one 2" worm per feeding is also OK as she should be able to handle it well.

chams just have small tummys so don't try to feed too much at one time.
also make sure they are gutloaded well with greens and carrots like you would do with crickets.

ill probably only need to feed her one then since these things are about 2" long. i have them in bran with apple slices for now but ill definately add some greens. thanks! :)
I don't know how big she really is but 2" may be a bit to big for her. Start small and remember you can always work your way up. Carrots are always good to gutload with. You can also use oatmeal for the bedding of the superworms if you cant find bran.

Don't feed mealworms-they have harder outer shells and can help cause impaction. Supers are a bit softer on the outside. Don't feed too many carrots-I also keep mine in Oats and chuck dark leafy greens, apples, sweet potatoes, etc. in with them.
Babies 4 babies


If you are located in the U.S. here is a great solution. At Great Lakes Hornworms (Sponser), Rob sells mini supers, about 1/2"-3/4" long. Buy a bunch, they last for months, and they will grow with your cham.:D

Don't feed mealworms-they have harder outer shells and can help cause impaction. Supers are a bit softer on the outside. Don't feed too many carrots-I also keep mine in Oats and chuck dark leafy greens, apples, sweet potatoes, etc. in with them.

thats why i want to start her on supers since they have less chitin but shes still a bit too small :p once shes adult size ill feed her silkworms also (i cant wait!)

i feed my crickets carrots sometimes so ill probably just stick with the dark greens and apples in bran or oats. dont want my cham getting carrot overloaded lol.
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