Little Digit

chameleon lady

New Member
Me and my little midget male Yemen at 8 months old


  • nov 2010 002.jpg
    nov 2010 002.jpg
    245.3 KB · Views: 231
How nice to see little digit again. You still have a beautiful boy, it is great to see him doing well. He seems to be growing right along.:)
It's great to see a new pic of Digit - he looks like a mini cham,bless him! He wants everyone to know that his attitude isn't as small as he is, lol!:D
Thanks so much everyone , when i first got him he would hit your hand with his body and bit the soft bit in the middle of your hand and the hissing sound that came out of a very large mouth ,but he has calmed down a bit now coz he,s a mummy's boy ;)


  • march 8 033.jpg
    march 8 033.jpg
    225.7 KB · Views: 139
You have done so well with him Anita! He really was a fire breathing chameleon, lol! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Hopefully I will meet him and your other l'il green friends one day!:D
What a feistly little character he is with his mouth wide open!!lol! A Beautiful guy though, and he is living proof that good things come in small packages!!
Thanks carol and Tiff , i took the little bugger out to see my friends Claire and Tim who own T.C reptiles and all he did was try to bite me they cant believe how he has grow :D
u should post those pics for the monthly photo contests:cool:

he does look amazing,, gotta luv the big personalities
he looks great, my little del is almost the same age and not much bigger, good to see im not the only one
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