Little Dripper vs Big Dripper


To anyone who owns either the "Little Dripper" or the "Big Dripper" : How long do the drips usually last? I am debating between the 2. I want one that I can turn on in the morning and have it run for about an hour or so. THanks
I have a big dripper but I don't use it. They kinda suck. The valve never really works correctly and you end up with hardly any drips at all or it pours out. No in between
I have a little dripper and it works perfectly fine, you can adjust the valve so it drips more , or less. I leave the dripping all day at one drip per second. I recommend buying one (y)
I have both the big and little drippers. If you plan on resting the dripper on top of a screen cage, I would recommend the little dripper due to the weight of a full container on the screen. Both will easily last for an hour or more unless you have the water pouring out.
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