Live Cham Video Feed:


Hey everyone,

Just a quick question.. anyone know how to set up a security camera for live feeds for multiple viewers? I have a security camera set up on Opti so I can observe his habits without bothering him, and would like to be able to post a live view for others to see, as well as share their video feeds.
Anyone who is savvy in this area let me know!! Other than that, Opti is at 110% and currently shedding!! A lot of turqoise coming out and some nice orange bars. I think I even saw a hint of purple on his head!! Thanks for everyone's support and let me know your ideas about a live video feed!!!!

Awesome idea. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, would be a neat idea!!
You can find a host by looking up "dynamic naming systems" I think the one we use is, but I'm not sure. We have urlich set up with a cam that can be controlled via internet by the viewer. Sometimes, he's hard to find. I have the cam inside his cage for better viewing. PM me, if you want more info, or to have a look at Urlich through his website.
Thanks for all the imput. The system I use is a Logitech. I can access through the net, but it's a secure site. I'll look into the sites you mentioned and get back with an update as soon as I get over the flu. I'll never look at bacon the same way again!
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