Live Plant Lighting?


New Member
I have the proper lighting for the Chameleon (UVA/UVB) but my Hibiscus plant's flowers have closed.

Is there a problem? Do I need a Plant Grow Light? Help please :)
How far away from the UVB bulb is it?
If it closer than 12" it should benefit.(that measurement is for the 5.0 bulb)
How far away from the UVB bulb is it?
If it closer than 12" it should benefit.(that measurement is for the 5.0 bulb)

It is only 2-3 inches way but is still closed. I just put the plant in yesterday. Could it need time to adjust?
Yeah, since the sun is UVB/a.....there's no reason why it wouldn't benefit since it's 5.0. Give it time.
one a day

I had to smile at the OP's question - I'm dead-heading out hibiscus in the yard today. Each flower only lasts a day, maybe two. Yours will make more if the lighting is strong enough.

Hibiscus need lots of water and regular fertilization to bloom well. They need lots of strong light to perform well.
How much would a differant plant grow light cost?
Would it be way more beneficial for the plants?
How far/close would the light have to be for min/max effectiveness?

I know it's boring but I really really have to get out the door to work.
Look at getting yourself a 6500k fluorescent light to help out your plants. You should be able to find one for under $10 and you will have to buy a fixture for $20 ish or less.
Yeah lower color temp lights seem to grow plants best, I find that 5000K's do great. They make an aquarium (with water) look yellow and washed out, hence the higher color temperature of most manufactured aquarium lights. But wattage is really the biggest key to plant growth. A standard 40 watt 48" bulb isn't going to make them grow but so much, regardless of other nutrient factors.
"Looks the best" will be bulbs with a higher color temp. Grows plants the best is sadly the opposite. Higher wattage goes a long way, but that is also more heat production.

C/F bulbs have issues with harming reptiles eyes, if they provide UVB, for what it's worth.
I have had good plant success with the 6500k GE bulbs.

Before anyone asks. The color is based on spring / autumn sunlight

Blue colored light in spring red color in fall

one of my tomato's under one of these GE bulbs well 5 to be exact.

Tomato plant

pic is huge no editing done.
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