Live plants


New Member
Hello all
Quick question - does anyone feed there live plants within the vivs to help them grow? and if so what do you use?
Whether organic or inorganic, the chemical components of fertilizer are the same. You can find organic plant food spikes or, my suggestion would be to bury some Osmocote pellets at the root ball and cover the service well. As long as the chameleon isn't eating the soil, there's no danger in using slow release fertilizer. You can always cover the soil as well. Other options include drenching the soil with a water soluable fertilizer solution and returning the plant to the cage. Do that twice a month and use 1/2 what they say to use of whichever brand you choose.
I wouldn't use anything in the enclosure that if ingested or drank would cause harm. There are plenty of organic fertilizers that can be used. Just because you chameleon is not eating the soil doesn't mean the fertilizer isn't dripping out the bottom when watering the plants. I have hanging plants and use a product called roots organic. I only need to use 1/2 strength solution 1x per month. My ficus and huge ficus doesn't stop growing
I don't disagree that you should use caution with fertilized water dripping from hanging plants, but organic fertilizer is not any different chemically than synthetic fertilizer and organic does not mean harmless. The Osmocote would be safe, even used in hanging plants, as it is slowly released and won't be releasing harmful amounts of fertilizer from the run off. If you are paranoid, simply buy a bit of bagged manure and repot your plants with some and add some worm castings, every 3-4 months. I have kept terrariums with sensitive amphibians and fish, while properly and carefully using fertilizers and it's perfectly safe when done with common sense.
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