i haven't shared any pics of the clutch that i have from Llex (son of Noki) x Tsunami. they're growing up fast and showing some bright bright colors...check them out!
Hi i am just curious on how u are able to handle them? I recently bought my first panther cham from kammerflauge kreations a couple weeks ago and he is 4 months old. he has been eating from my hand everyday for the past week so i have been really excited about that but i really want to hold him just dont want to push him to fast! I try almost everyday a few hours after he has eaten to get him to come on my hand and he doesnt ever hiss at me or try to bite me but he kinda moves back a little and i just dont want to scare him!
there really isn't a special formula so you can hold them. the best recommendation i can give you is patience. that's probably not what you want to hear but it's true. give him time and space and he'll eventually realize you're not a monster set out to eat him. instead, he'll recognize that you're his food source and you mean no harm. he'll eventually become more social. i've had chams that start out mean and get very social to a point that they jump out of the cage and on to my hand but not every cham is the same.