LLL Reptile Drainage trays

That's not a bad idea either. I'm just concerned with more standing water being the holes are on the sides
I know what you mean, could be solved with slighty tilting the cages vvv
I seriously considered this for a while..........but not only do you have to get the inside of the fitting flush with the bottom of the lip when you do it that way to allow good drainage...........you still had to "tilt" the trays forward or rearward depending on where you put the drains in. It was just easier and simpler to do it straight out the bottom with the way mine is set up.

Now.............IF............you didn't want to make the holes in the bottom of the stand that the trays sit on............THIS..........is the way to do it.

I'm just lazy.........I guess :eek:

Hey as long as you and your chams are happy with it thats all that matters right? Personally I will be building the cabinet style that has been shown recently on a couple threads, but with my own twist.
However you decide to do it.............just make sure that you leave yourself EASY access to the drains. That way you won't have to do any shuffling around to get to everything. I was also thinking that the drains and drainage lines would be best protected by being underneath the stand.

It would work just fine..........either way..........just make it as easy on yourself as you can. That's my motto. :)

Easier is better in my opinion as well LOL! I'll hopefully get this done sooner than later as I keep putting the paper towel companies kid's through college.
i just drilled mine in the back and tilted the cage a little to help drain better. It dries out faster that way too. Mine drain into empty gallon water jugs.
I have started to use the generic Cham Wow's instead of paper towels. I am spraying 3 times a day and using drippers for my Panthers (don't have the foggers set up yet) and the bottoms get wet. I don't have a drainage system set up because I keep changing around my cages trying to make more room. LOL The Cham Wow's are easy to ring out and when they get dirty I can just pop them into the washing machine.
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