locust food


New Member
im thinking of buying a big quantity of locusts but not sure what to feed them once i get them so they wont die.......any suggestions??
where can i find locusts in canada? i can only find a locust supplier in the UK but thats about it......any ideas are appreciated.!
that doesn't make any they're not regarded as a pest in UK? hornworms are a also considered to be pests how come we can get those and not crickets....??
doesn't make sense..!
just because they are illegal, doesn't mean there aren't scattered breeders of them here. roaches are illegal in canada, but i can still manage to find those here NOT imported either
im thinking of buying a big quantity of locusts but not sure what to feed them once i get them so they wont die.......any suggestions??

locust eat plants, much the same things as crickets
shaved carrot, cereal plants, rocket (arugula), dandelion, clover ....

it is not legal to sell agricultural pests, like locust, in Canada, though you may find someone who does it quietly :)
you can also catch plenty of grasshoppers each August/September if there is a large parkland field away from urban/industry contaminents available to you - that's what I do :)
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