Locust/Grass Hoppers


New Member
Where is there a good place to purchase grass hoppers online? I cant find a source when searching...really I want a website that has all the feeders you can obtain. Somewhere with a wide variety. Thank you.
If you are in the US then you cannot purchase locusts online.. and as for a website that has every feeder you want..... thats not gonna happen either haha.. check out some of the site sponsors; mulberry farms, coastal silks, etc. They have a good selection
Wax worms are high in calcium, meal worms are normal. What is different about phoenix worms? What attributes do they have? Thanks.
waxworms and meal worms are not the best feeders.. occasionally they are fine, but phoenix worms (black soldier fly larvae) are incredibly high in calcium and very low in fat unlike waxworms and mealworms. Pheonix worms are great to incorporate as well as properly gut loaded roaches, crickets and silkworms.
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