i totally didnt see this topic. Hey i am new, u can call me Pfal. My main interests r sports, animals, and video games, more of the first 2 than the last.
wat got me interested in chams, was a week ago, when i saw a jackson's close up in Hawaii on the island of Maui. 1 of the people i was with picked it up, he was about 6.5 - 7 inches tail to head. He had all 3 horns grown on his head. he was just so awsome all he wanted to do was climb up u and rest on ur shoulder. we soon put him back on the exact spot we found him. Ever since i got back i have been researching on chams, and i would really enjoy owning 1.
and uh I LOVE HOCKEY!!!!!
wat got me interested in chams, was a week ago, when i saw a jackson's close up in Hawaii on the island of Maui. 1 of the people i was with picked it up, he was about 6.5 - 7 inches tail to head. He had all 3 horns grown on his head. he was just so awsome all he wanted to do was climb up u and rest on ur shoulder. we soon put him back on the exact spot we found him. Ever since i got back i have been researching on chams, and i would really enjoy owning 1.
and uh I LOVE HOCKEY!!!!!
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