lombardi's son


Avid Member
figured id post a few pics of lombardi's son hes gettin ready to shed, hes a hard one to get pics of cause hes nuts, i think he got his moms att hates people cameras really anything hisses act like hes goin rip your fingers off, makes it hard to get him to stand still for long but i got a few pics. i like that hes got so much attitude....not as coclorful as usual he was way pissed at me for bothering him but heres a few pics



lol i love takin cham pictures only prob is deciding which to take pics of...
Alright... He is looking pretty good! I love it!

hes usually got more colors like on his cask but he was way pissed that i bothered him he def got sokie's attitude, im glad hes growing lookin forward to him bein a big boy...
You can see some nice yellows in some of those pics. His brother Cameron is looking similar.
I'm really digging the 3 thin black stripes that wrap his belly. You can see them great in the first and last pics.
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