New Member
Hello Forum,
I had to share this story as it was the first time this has happen to me. Well I was being a bonehead a little by letting my Cham's cage open while I was in the room. I think I read that you can leave the cage open for them to get "used" to you being around. I was doing this when I dozed off on my couch in the room. I heard something move and happen to look up and my cham had climbed out of his cage and was on top of his UVB light! The first thing I thought was how was I going to get him back in! I walked up to him slowly and calmly as I could and tried to get him on my hand (finger). No SIR!, he runs to the back side of the cage and took a suicide drop off the top (about 5ft from the ground) I panic at this time! SO i go to get him as fast as I could to keep him from running somewhere I couldn't easily get to. I see him stress by turning dark, got him on my hand my grabbing him up as fast as I could and he bit me! Scared the $#!* out of me! Got him closer to his cage and before he climbed in he bit me again! I wont be leaving the cage open again while i'm tired lol! you live and you learn. Have this ever happen to you guys? The bite didn't hurt but I can see now that he does not like me!
I had to share this story as it was the first time this has happen to me. Well I was being a bonehead a little by letting my Cham's cage open while I was in the room. I think I read that you can leave the cage open for them to get "used" to you being around. I was doing this when I dozed off on my couch in the room. I heard something move and happen to look up and my cham had climbed out of his cage and was on top of his UVB light! The first thing I thought was how was I going to get him back in! I walked up to him slowly and calmly as I could and tried to get him on my hand (finger). No SIR!, he runs to the back side of the cage and took a suicide drop off the top (about 5ft from the ground) I panic at this time! SO i go to get him as fast as I could to keep him from running somewhere I couldn't easily get to. I see him stress by turning dark, got him on my hand my grabbing him up as fast as I could and he bit me! Scared the $#!* out of me! Got him closer to his cage and before he climbed in he bit me again! I wont be leaving the cage open again while i'm tired lol! you live and you learn. Have this ever happen to you guys? The bite didn't hurt but I can see now that he does not like me!