New Member
So recently I have been thinking ofexpanding my chameleon collection. Currently I have 8 adult male panther chameleons and 15 adult females and tons and tons of eggs in all stages of incubation. I have 16 bearded pygmies, only because I couldn't get them to stop breeding due to my lack of sexing ability with them. Also because I could never find all of the eggs in the cage and give them away fast enough s babies started popping up and they were just too cute to sell/give away. And I and getting a couple meller's in a few weeks. I am looking or a smaller species of chameleons. I don't want carpet chameleons because my girlfriend keeps and breeds them. I don't really know what I want but am open to any and all suggestions. I had planned on getting some Trioceros hoehnelii and had a montane room set up for some other montane's but never ended up getting them. If anyone knows of anybody selling smaller species, preferably less than a year old in breeding pairs let me know what kind, Because for some reason I just can't have enough chameleons. Thanks.