Looking for a new, interesting species to keep...


New Member
So recently I have been thinking ofexpanding my chameleon collection. Currently I have 8 adult male panther chameleons and 15 adult females and tons and tons of eggs in all stages of incubation. I have 16 bearded pygmies, only because I couldn't get them to stop breeding due to my lack of sexing ability with them. Also because I could never find all of the eggs in the cage and give them away fast enough s babies started popping up and they were just too cute to sell/give away. And I and getting a couple meller's in a few weeks. I am looking or a smaller species of chameleons. I don't want carpet chameleons because my girlfriend keeps and breeds them. I don't really know what I want but am open to any and all suggestions. I had planned on getting some Trioceros hoehnelii and had a montane room set up for some other montane's but never ended up getting them. If anyone knows of anybody selling smaller species, preferably less than a year old in breeding pairs let me know what kind, Because for some reason I just can't have enough chameleons. Thanks.

i have panthers too, and just got a couple lil Sternfeldi they are so cute now i want to get an adult breedin group i meen look these lil ones...
I would get something like east african or west african maybe even a bradypodion thamnobates if you can get, if you want contact cainschams (a member on this forum) he might have thamnobates and damaranum up for bookings.

Or maybe try, jacksons, or some other trioceros species.

Let us know what you choose to get
How about quads?

They require high humidity and low temps, but are well worth it.
They are plenty rare, with few breeders.
Laurie just hatched 9 of them from a wild caught female.
This is the first hatching that I know of in the past 9 months in the US.

LLL also has quads for sale, WC if I'm not mistaken.

If by chance you would like to get a baby from Laurie, I highly recommend you send her a PM right away as I know she has a list already and you're not going to get mine. Lol

Well, if you want interesting and CB then it seems the only CB animals that are not the norm are multituberculata or tavetana. Seeco has multis available right now and I hatched out tavetana earlier this year. May be a little bit before the tavetana are ready to go to new homes, 2 months, but they grow so damn slow! If looking for WC then there should be quite a few species starting to come in since the weather is warming up.
Thanks for all the suggestions everybody. I'm going to have to research everything available and make my decision. I'd prefer captive bred but I have a good vet so WC isn't much of an issue. I'll be looking into what I am getting and should make a decision in the next day or two and I'll let you all know what I get. Thanks.

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